Gardening with the Masters
Adult Activities & Enrichment / Gardening -
Fall 2024
Learn about growing microgreens, house plants seeds and more form the masters. Presented by the Ramsey County Master Gardeners
- Fall into Winter: Wed, Sept. 25 at 6:30 p.m. - Learn about how to put your garden to bed in this class, with information about what to do for your garden and landscape between September and February. This class is offered by the U of M Extension Master Gardener volunteers of Ramsey County, who are eager to share research-based gardening best practices with the people in their community.
- Advanced Vegetable Gardening: Wed, Oct. 9 at 6:30 p.m. -This class is designed for gardeners who have experience growing vegetables. Learn techniques to improve your vegetable garden harvest, including ways to extend the growing season, how to start seeds indoors, and suggestions for increasing your total harvest. This class is offered by the U of M Extension Master Gardener volunteers of Ramsey County, who are eager to share research-based gardening best practices with the people in their community.
- Home Composting: Wed, Oct. 23 at 6:30 p.m. -
Growing Microgreens: Wed, Nov. 13 at 6:30 p.m. - Microgreens are quick-growing vegetable and herb seedlings that are raised indoors. Learn about growing microgreens for use in salads or as fresh green in many types of dishes any time of year. This class is offered by the U of M Extension Master Gardener volunteers of Ramsey County, who are eager to share research-based gardening best practices with the people in their community.
- House Plant Success: Wed, Nov. 20 at 6:30 p.m. - Indoor plants are a little different than outdoor plants. With a little special care and consideration, you can keep your indoor plants healthy and avoid common problems. This class is offered by the U of M Extension Master Gardener volunteers of Ramsey County, who are eager to share research-based gardening best practices with the people in their community.
- Winter Sowing: Wed Dec 12 at 6:30 p.m. - Learn how to get a jump on the growing season and start cold tolerant seeds while the snow is still falling using Winter Sowing techniques. This class is offered by the U of M Extension Master Gardener volunteers of Ramsey County, who are eager to share research-based gardening best practices with the people in their community.
The Ramey County Master Gardeners recommend visiting their website to find reference tools, including handouts, websites, and book suggestions that can help you take the information from the class to the next level. The link for the website is: https://www.
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