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Clay Target Club - Irondale
Clay Target Registration Spring 2025 Registration for the Irondale fall Clay Target team is now open to all Irondale, Edgewood, Highview, and Chippewa 7th-12th grade students. To learn more about the sport, go to mnclaytarget.com. Our team shoots Trap on Sunday afternoons at 1:00. Skeet and Sporting Clays will be scheduled in the morning or the afternoon, beginning as early as 10:00. Athletes pay a registration fee and provide their own ammunition and shotgun. Each discipline requires 2 boxes of shells per week. Athletes must have their Firearm Safety certification prior to participation. (New athletes will need to purchase a vest for $25.00.) Before registering, please consider the commitment. It is understandable that an athlete may not make it every week but the expectation is that an athlete shoots with the team on Sundays. If you have any questions, please email: irondaletrapshooting@gmail.com Registration: There are three components to registration for Clay Targets. They must be completed in this order: Register on the Community Education Website by 8:00 p.m. on March 22nd. Community Education will collect our team registration fees. Trap: $130.00 Trap & Skeet: $240.00 Trap & Sporting Clays: $250.00 Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clays: $355.00 You will receive an email from the Irondale Clay Target coach with instructions for registering on the Clay Target League website. Register with the Clay Target League by 8:00 p.m. on March 23rd. The Clay Target League’s website is cumbersome!! Register early to avoid frustration – we’re happy to help, but it’s hard for everyone when we’re scrambling at the last minute. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED UNTIL YOU HAVE PAID THE LEAGUE REGISTRATION FEE ON THIS WEBSITE! (League registration fee is $50 each for Trap and Skeet, and $65 for Sporting Clays.) 2025 Schedule: 3/18, 7:00 p.m.: Mandatory Safety Meeting for Athlete and at least one Parent/Guardian 3/22, 8:00 p.m.: Community Education registration closes 3/23, 8:00 p.m.: Clay Target League Registration Deadline 3/30: Practice Week 1 (This is the last weekend of Spring Break so there will be a couple of make-up opportunities will be available during the week) 4/6: Practice Week 2 4/13: Reserve Week 4/14: Conferences announced and state tournament registration opens Saturday, 4/19: Week 1 (This is Easter weekend so we will meet on Saturday this weekend) 4/27: Week 2 5/1: State tournament registration closes at 12:00 PM 5/4: Week 3 5/11: Week 4 5/18: Week 5 5/26: Season final results posted by 5 p.m. 6/1: Fun Shoot (Not included in registration fee) -
Clay Target Club - Mounds View
Welcome new and returning athletes to the MV Clay Target Club registration site. We are looking forward to an exciting spring session. This co-ed program is offered under the administration of the MN High School Clay Target League. You must be a registered 9-12 grade student at MVHS. Please follow these steps to complete your registration for MV Clay Target Club: 1. New team members interested in participating must notify the team coach for access prior to registering. Please email mvclaytargetclub@gmail.com to obtain the access code/information for registration on the League Site. Returning students will be sent an email for registration from the league. (please email the team coach, if any problems) 2. Once the coach has given you access, registration instructions will be provided by email. Everyone who was previously on the email list will automatically receive registration instructions by March 1, 2025. If you have any problems, please send a note to mvclaytargetclub@gmail.com . 3. After you receive the registration instructions, register on the Mounds View Community Education (MVCE) website by noon March 24, 2025. The $190.00 registration/team/round fees will be collected by MVCE. The fees include the $10 MVCE fee + $180 team fee, which includes two rounds/week (8 weeks x $18/week), booster fee. 4. Use the registration instructions provided by email to also register on the MN Clay Target League website, The league registration fee is $40 and will be collected by MN Clay Target League when you register by noon on March 24, 2025. *** You must register on both the MVCE website and on the MN Clay Target League website at “claytargetgo.com by noon on March 24, 2025 for your registration to be complete. *** If you have any questions about the registration process or did not receive registration instructions, please email Mark Kingsriter at mvclaytargetclub@gmail.com Please note: The MV Clay Target Club uses the MN Hunter Safety certificate. All athletes must have a MN Hunter Safety certificate (or prior SAFE Certificate) and your own shotgun (12 or 20) to participate - Safety is always first! See the DNR’s website for more information (www.mndnr.gov) or contact Mark Kingsriter at mvclaytargetclub@gmail.com. The MN Hunter Safety certificate can be obtained online. ATTACHMENT: Mounds View Clay Target 2025 Spring Season Schedule: March 24: Team and student athlete registration closes Noon CT. Last day for athlete and/or team withdrawal for registration fee refund. ****Registration closes at noon 3/24-Hard deadline**** · March 30: Practice Week 1 begins · April 6: Practice Week 2 begins · April 13: Reserve Week begins · April 20: Competition Week 1 begins (NO SHOOT ON EASTER - WILL USE RESERVE SCORES) · April 27: Competition Week 2 begins · May 1: State Tournament registration closes at noon CT · May 4: Competition Week 3 begins · May 11: Competition Week 4 begins · May 18: Competition Week 5 begins · May 27: National Championship registration opens for tier 1 · May 29: National Championship registration opens for tier 2 if applicable · June TBD: Tournaments – please visit the State Tournament page for more information. · June 1: TRAP TEAM FUN SHOOT & SENIOR CELEBRATION · June 2: National Championship registration opens for tier 3 if applicable · July 9-13: National Championship in Mason, Michigan Shells – We have secured shells for the Spring League/State Championship! We are so thankful for our relationship with Federal. We are planning on $90/case, but that is subject to change and there will be a limit on the cases – TBD. Team Shirts – New athletes will be required to purchase a team shirt. The fee for the Team Shirt is $50.00. If you need a replacement or have outgrown your shirt, let me know. Spring Scoring – FYI – The Trap League has gone back to the original scoring procedures. The scores for the weekly shoot have to be input by Saturday at 9pm for that week, or it does not get entered. Please plan on shooting on our scheduled time for Sundays. If you have a job, please plan accordingly.